The Transformation of the Distorted to the Divine
There is no right way to do anything. You flow with what you’re feeling and what you need at any moment. Life throws a lot at you, so all you can truly do is to be in your own space at your own time and to trust yourself. Everything will work out as it is meant to, for you to advance into a space of alignment and enlightenment. To be a better being for yourself and for the collective. You are sovereign and you are truly beautiful inside and out. You have masculine and feminine energies within you at any given moment and every single moment. How you balance those energies depends on what you are facing in the specific situation you are in. When looking at these energies, they are not gender specific, because every single person is a container for both. Each person on earth is comprised of this yin/yang energy and will spend time within their life working to balance these energies and understand them. To balance these energies, you must first acknowledge what they are and how they feel.
Masculine energy is universal fatherhood energy. The father protects his family. He provides for his children and makes sure that they are safe and well cared for. They may not be the ones carrying their children inside of them, but the make sure nothing happens to those in their circle, their family or soul family. They are the emperor. Ruling their kingdom and using logic to ensure the prosperity and longevity of their line and their hard work. They are resourceful and know how to work with others to make things happen. The DM takes charge, knows how to lead and is assertive. They speak up for right and wrong and are the protector and defender. Masculine energy is confident, unwavering and keeps promises while speaking truth. The divine masculine is the warrior. They are that yang energy, firm with boundaries, logical and can survive in any situation. They are the sun; they are disciplined and the ultimate hero. They are resilient, guide those around them and take care of their tribe. They are the container for the ones they love. They are mature, willful and the head over the heart.
I always say that the inner divine masculine is the head while the inner divine feminine is the heart. If the head and heart are at war with each other, it is impossible to move in fluidity. They must work together to come into inner union to bring harmony to your life. Once the harmony is there you are in alignment and welcoming all blessings into your life.
The divine feminine is universal motherhood energy. Think about a woman who carries an unborn child inside of her. She gives that child a safe space to grow and transform. She feeds the child, and she takes care of herself while taking care of the child. The better care she takes of herself, the better off and healthier that child will be. She brings that child into the world and teaches, nurtures and loves that child with her whole heart. That is the divine feminine energy. The DF is soft, nurturing, and the ultimate mother. They are the embodiment of love. They are the moon, Gaia, and sustain life. They embody sensuality, compassion, abundance, intuition, receptivity and a soft place to land. The divine feminine is gentle, heart centered, communicative and works with you, not against you. They follow the lead of the masculine and embody creativity. The feminine is the cosmic womb and brings love and life into this world. They are the ones who restore balance when they are in touch with their emotions. They have that intuitive sense, that “women’s intuition” that keeps them in tune with everything around them. The compassion they exude is embodied within them as they do not fight; they flow and trust and have faith. They are the ones guiding you home through the night. The light in the darkness, the shelter from the storm.
To balance these, you must understand the difference between divine masculine, divine feminine, distorted masculine and distorted feminine energy.
The immature or distorted masculine will blame others. They panic in situations where they feel uncomfortable. They will not commit to their responsibilities or women in their life. They seek external validation and have a hard time making decisions. They can be selfish, self-centered and greedy and seek or demand instant gratification or pleasure. They punish those around them and act in ego. They do not keep their word and do not fight for their beliefs. They tend to have narcissistic tendencies ad often use gaslighting as a tool to defend their own viewpoint. They operate from their own wounds instead of using logic and are in it for themselves, not their people. They only care about money and abundance and do not understand the bigger picture. They seek many sexual partners, can be violent, domineering, are not in touch with their emotions and do not take care of themselves. They are vain and are not an ally to women. They take advantage and look down upon women. They want to be the eternal bachelor or have everyone bend to their will. They can move beyond these distortions the more they take accountability for their actions and allow the healing of their subconscious to truly open them up to a greater understanding of who they are. Once they do, they step into that beautiful energy of the divine masculine.
The immature or distorted feminine defines her self-worth by those around her. They seek external validation and is an attention seeker. They want to be saved and cannot admit when they are wrong. They live in chaos and have no structure to their life. They are completely in ego and make it all about their wants and needs. They cannot see outside of themselves. They are unapologetic and cannot be vulnerable or open up to those around them. They keep everyone at arm’s length. The distorted feminine is the ultimate nag and cannot communicate effectively. They are emotionally unstable and reactive rather than being responsive to situations. They are in a constant state of resentment and blame and throw tantrums when they don’t get their own way. They gossip and talk poorly about others instead of seeing the good in everyone. They operate out of fear, resentment and pain rather than love. They are traumatized at some point in their life and continue to hold onto this because it is all they have ever known. When they make the choice to move out of this energy, they begin to clear their distortions and move into a healthy space and can truly embody the divine feminine.
It is ok if you still have some of the distortions within you. If you are here and you are reading this, then it means you are working on yourself to be better for yourself and those around you to move into alignment and to become the best version of yourself. Don’t stop working on yourself and continue to do the inner work. The more inner work you do, the more you begin to truly understand your soul purpose. The truth of who you are and what you need. Connect to your head and your heart and find you soul center. The part of you that only you know and begin to share that with the world. Stop doubting yourself. You are truly magnificent. You are sovereign! There is no reason for you to doubt yourself or your purpose. The more you stand in your power and trust what you think and what you feel inside with that deep inner knowing, the closer you get to your true destiny. There is no more up and down, just a steady, consistent heartbeat of truth and source. The heartbeat of your soul. The heartbeat of Gaia. The heartbeat of the sun and moon. The heartbeat of the cosmos. The heartbeat of source.
Source is within you, God consciousness is within you, divine masculine and divine feminine energies are within you. You have the whole world within you. Anything and everything are within your grasp. You are the one holding yourself back with your self-limiting beliefs. It is not a matter of waiting; it is a matter of divine timing. If you claim to be waiting on something you are manifesting a perpetual state of waiting. If you manifest divine timing and trust your lessons, then it is only a matter of focusing on the present to breakthrough and achieve your goals. You are worthy and you are righteous. You deserve everything you have ever wanted. Get clear and specific about your wants, needs, and goals and let the universe deliver them to you. This life is divinely orchestrated to bring you opportunities into your realm for the purpose of your destiny to guide you through the lessons of your soul. The more you focus on the lessons, growth and your personal power, while staying present the more you balance, align and in secure your connection with God consciousness. You’ve got this and I’ve got you
- Lady Phoenix