The Antiquated Feeling & The Unquantifiable Vibration
What does it mean to say I love you? What does it mean to pour your heart out? How can you conceptualize the depths of the feelings of love and be able to convey that to another person or to yourself? Sometimes words aren’t enough. The language we create is limited, just as we limit our beliefs, put rules on them and box ourselves in. It is time for us to return to feelings and vibrations. Spirit communicates with us in feelings, with emotions, with our desires, without words. Language is important yes, but feelings so much more than that. It is through our feelings that we sense the vibration of what is happening around us, who to communicate with and let into our inner circle/sanctum and who to steer clear from.
We feel as though we need to be able to explain and understand everything when in all reality it is simply a matter of feeling everything. Feeling the good, the bad and the uncomfortable. We need to understand our feelings and emotions before we can move forward in growth. We bury our feeling and emotions under the surface. We sweep them under the rug and then when we have left them unattended for too long they rear their ugly head and we are left reeling from the consequences of our actions. It is too much to handle to push everything down and to not face what is happening inside of you.
Our emotions are like the sea. Sometimes it is tumultuous, sometimes its calm. Sometimes there is a storm brewing and others it is a beautiful, blissful, sunny day. The tide can be low or high and on a rare occasion there can be a tidal wave. When we feel that tsunami building, it can cause mass destruction. It can tear our inner and outer world to pieces, but our emotions, like a wave of mass destruction will always recede back into the recesses from whence they came. It may leave behind a trail of ruins, but it only breaks down the things in our life that were not built on a solid foundation. Anything that we built on that rock solid foundation will withstand the power and pressure of whatever we are going through. Anything that was made with haste or on sand will crumble under the weight of the experience. This gives us something beautiful though. It gives us the ability to uproot the cause of the destruction, it allows us to build a solid foundation from experience. It gives us the wherewithal to understand that if we can outride that experience with an unstable foundation, then we can absolutely endure anything, because we know better and we know ourselves deeper.
In experiencing life through the good and difficult, the further we open yourself up to our feelings and emotions the less we are affected by the outside world. We begin to feel the synergy that exists within our own vibration. Which puts us in tune with the vibration of Gaia and the universe. Feelings can’t always be equated into words, but they exist, nonetheless. Words have limitations, vibrations are unquantifiable.
As human beings, we feel the need to quantify, limit, explain or enumerate everything around us. By placing limitations or labels on everything around us, it means we label ourselves and limit the possibilities and experiences in our lives. That literally stops us in our tracks and prevents us from reaching our full potential in any aspect of life. You are more than a child, parent, sibling, male, female, your profession or anything you have experiences. You are limitless. You are a multidimensional being and are capable of anything you set your mind to or want to manifest.
Humans have a hard time understanding the possibility of being limitless due to the quantifiable society in which we were born into. But through quantum healing, meditation and opening the brain to the potential that we can live in faith versus understanding, then it changes our language from that of words to one of feelings, emotions, vibrations and intuition, which brings forth the ultimate understanding and connection to all things through love.
Do we really need to know everything, or can we enter this space of surrender to the universe, to sprit and listen to the vibration of our intuition, to the vibration of the planet and everyone around us? It is a possibility, and we can all get there, it will take time, but for now, let us turn within and listen to our own heart. Listen to our breath and trust what you feel. Allow our emotions to run deep within us and let ourselves ride the waves of whatever is brewing inside. That is where the knowledge and healing happen. That is where we become our authentic selves, that is where we become the quantum, unquantifiable, multidimensional being that we were destined to be. That is where er become interconnected and we become one. We are already one, that is where we gain access to it and fully surrender to it. It is possible to actualize our potential, release the labels and become one with our oversoul.
-Lady Phoenix