Serenity Cavern Healing

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Duty vs. Honor


What is your duty to yourself? What is your duty in this world and what is your duty to your circle? Why do you feel obligated to do certain things and where does self-betrayal come from? This is quite simple and yet complex at the same time. Your duty to yourself is to be authentic and to do what you need, what your soul need and to honor your feelings, wants, needs and desires. Your duty to this world is to honor the duty to yourself. Your duty to your circle of family, friends and loved ones is to honor yourself and to come from a space of compassion and love.


As a society, we are led to believe if you aren’t going a million miles an hour that you are lazy or not accomplishing anything. People pride themselves on how many tasks they can accomplish in any given moment or day. It is as if the more someone wears themselves out the more, they should be rewarded. This is the principle of not taking care of yourself and being in lack mentality. I’m not saying don’t work hard, I am saying that work hard, but work smart. Take care of yourself, take care of your needs and find balance between work and pleasure in life. When you take care of everyone else before you take care of yourself you betray yourself. Where do we learn this? It comes from childhood and past life trauma. When you were a child and did not receive what you wanted or needed, you learned to betray your feelings, wants and needs for others. When you learned this, it became an ingrained part of your life wrapped up in the framework of your reality and who you are. Society praises those who accomplish a plethora of tasks, even if they are mundane. But, sometimes doing nothing is worth doing. When you can learn to honor yourself, wants and needs you stop betraying yourself.


Every single time you want to stay home, but feel guilty, you betray yourself. Every time you want to eat something for dinner but don’t want to rock the boat or speak up you betray yourself. For every boundary you don’t set you betray yourself. Every time you don’t say no you betray yourself. It is ok to say no, it is ok to use your voice, it is ok to be seen and heard. Your wants matter. Your needs matter. Your feelings matter. YOU MATTER! Your inner child needs love. The more you stay serios and don’t have fun you betray your inner child. Your inner child was betrayed, and it may have been the smallest thing, but the ripple effect has echoed through time to your current ideals and life choices. When you needed something and did not receive it as a child, you the altered your behavior to get what you wanted or needed. In doing this it caused you to seek external validation. What is the root of external validation? Codependency. What is the root of codependency? No self-esteem. Where does lack of self-esteem come from? Childhood trauma. It is one big vicious cycle. But to get through this you have to start with self-betrayal.


Self-betrayal is one of the biggest culprits of codependency and lack mentality. This trauma although affected you first in childhood, it ultimately comes from society. Society puts the need of the masses ahead of the individual. Don’t outshine anyone, don’t make others feel stupid. Children are seen not heard. Society wants you to tip toe around what people want and need. Society doesn’t want you to make others feel bad or uncomfortable. Which breeds hypocrisy and competition. This competitive mindset breeds rivalry and animosity instead of love.

When you betray yourself and come from a space of anger, rivalry or animosity, it fractures your soul. If you are fragmented, how can you take care of yourself? Who is taking care of you while you bend over backwards for others?  Allow yourself to put on your own oxygen mask before you help anyone else put theirs on. Allow yourself to delegate when you can. The saying it takes a village is accurate. It takes a group of people doing anything to take the burden off the one. Remove the burdens from your life and know that you don’t have to worry about other people, show compassion yes, but ultimately take care of yourself. Lean on the collective, lean on the support of those in your circle. Honor yourself, honor your truth, speak your truth, honor your feelings and let yourself be free in each moment. Do not worry about triggering others, because maybe you were meant to trigger them. Maybe you are meant to help them awaken or see a different perspective. The less you betray yourself, the more you lead by example for others to follow.


Forget about the word duty and start thinking about honor and love. The only duty you have is to honor yourself. Send love to yourself and your inner child. The more you do this the more you heal and ascend. The more you ascend, the more you do for humanity. If you want to fulfill your duty to humanity, then simply focus on yourself.

– Lady Phoenix