The longest relationship you have ever had in your life is the one you have with yourself.
How do you get to know your own angelic and sovereign self? Do you really know who you are or is it that you know who the world has made you to be?
There are several ways to get to know yourself, but it truly starts with your inner child. That little version of you that was pure, had hopes and dreams and felt like they could conquer anything. Society has transformed you into a version of yourself that you may or may not like. There are certain aspects of you that you know, but do you truly know who you are at your core? Do you know the divine version of yourself that is the epitome of greatness? Many do but even more do not truly know.
When you were young you were criticized or ostracized, scolded or reprimanded for your behavior. That changed who you were into the version of you that people thought were acceptable. You started then losing parts and pieces of yourself. You were influenced by friends and family by music, sports, behavior, and likes/dislikes that made you who you are today.
How do you get back in touch and find out who you really are when no one is around? Start by listening to your thoughts. Initially when you stated talking to yourself in your head it was actually a trauma response because you knew your thoughts, ideas, opinions and feelings were safe there. You knew that you wouldn’t be made fun of or reprimanded for your desires and goals. You realized at a young age that your head was the safest place for you. So, by tuning in and listening to those thoughts you begin to grasp what you want, need and feel. How do you tune into that? Quieting your mind and discover what comes through when your brain isn’t racing a million miles an hour.
Another method you can use is assessing your relationships. Do you give too much to them and not enough to yourself? Are you taking on the shape of others? Are you going with other people’s flow instead of riding your own wave? What do you like about your relationships and what do you not like about them? Spend time diving deep into the meaning of your relationships and how you truly feel about being there with each individual. What are you passionate about in your relationships?
Next, ask yourself what you are passionate about in general. What sets your soul on fire? What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, or what would make you want to get out of bed? What are you good at and are you passionate about what you are good at? Did you become great at something because you received praise from those around you? Did you become great at something because you were following in someone else’s footsteps, made someone else happy or you saw it as your only way out? Seriously ask yourself these questions in order to find your true desires. What makes you happy and joyful and how can you add more of that to your life?
When adding more to your life, what you need to add less of is external validation and asking for feedback from others. Start asking yourself for that feedback and become your own best friend. Spend time with yourself and learn to enjoy your company. The longest relationship you have ever had in your life is the one with yourself. Is it one you can be proud of or one that you think is lacking? Who do you want to be and what do you want to do? These are the questions to ponder. These are the questions that take you deeper into your inner mind and the core of your being to be able to assess your true reality and your relationship with life itself.
What are your life values and morals? Not what your parents, teachers, church, friends, mentors or society want you to value, believe or behave. What do you want your morals and values and ethics to be? What is the code you want to live your life by? How can you achieve this code realistically and what goals do you want to set for yourself to be the person that you can be proud of?
This is where you begin to discover your own personality and authenticity. This is how you decide what you want your future to be. This is where you take your strengths, combine them with your passions and make your life a moving prayer for your own soul to flourish. Take your strengths and build upon them and then take your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Once you feel like you have uncovered more than you thought possible about your life then you create a Life Mission statement. What is your purpose and how do you want to be presented to the world? What aligns with your soul and how can you make the living, moving prayer into a reality?
Then look at how you handle conflicts. When you can become acutely aware of how you handle situations when you are triggered, you can begin to uproot those things that take you away from yourself. Getting to know every facet of yourself is vitally important. It is not just about the good or light stuff. It is about the darkness too. You are a beautiful balance of your past and present, the good experiences and the bad. But through it all you are whole. It is time for you to get to know the whole of you. Be honest with yourself, truly, deeply brutally and lovingly honest with yourself, then step back and assess how to embrace or change what you love.
When you can get to know yourself, you can forgive yourself and truly understand your power, sovereignty and soul. When you know yourself to the depths of your being, you are unwavering in your dedication to yourself and your purpose. You allow yourself to stand firm in your convictions and to be a divine entity. You raise your vibration and allow God consciousness to enter your sphere. The more you align with yourself, the more you align with your divinity, which aligns you with your oversoul. When you listen to your oversoul, you can never be swayed from your path and can light and leas the way for others.
So, take some time starting now and ask yourself these deep questions, get to know yourself and allow yourself to transform into the version of you that your soul is yearning to be. You are on the precipice of greatness and these questions are the catalyst to the change your soul needs. You can do this; you have all the answers within you, and you might be surprised at how much you already know once you ask the questions.
– Lady Phoenix