Serenity Cavern Healing

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The Divine Feminine & The Divine Masculine on the Path through Twin Flame Awakening

A spiritual teacher does not introduce you to new beliefs, it gives you the opportunity to come back to your soul and retrieve the beliefs that are authentic to you at the depth of your being. A teacher guides you on a journey within yourself to heal and find your inner most self to find inner peace. They remind you of who you are, and to allow you to come home to your soul. When you come home to your soul, you realize the archetype that you hold within you or the many archetypes that exist within you. Many of you reading this have found parts of your soul and are ready to come home to its depths. For so many of my clients, they have been guided and told to believe one thing or another in regard to who they are and what they should be doing. All I can tell you here is to trust your intuition and help guide you to your own realizations within your soul.

You already know in your soul what your beliefs are, and it is up to you to shed your distortions to come home to your innocence and spirit in a sense of love and gratitude. You have to meet your shadow head on and fill that with love and light. To fill you shadow with both of those allow you to embrace the dark feminine and dark masculine to balance your energy within your being. I will not introduce you to new beliefs, because your souls is already aware of everything that resonates within it. You simply have to trust the feelings within your body to determine if it is for you or not. You cannot take everything as it comes in regard to information, you have to ask yourself what it means to you and decide for your own soul. Any spiritual teacher, myself included simply open your eyes to truths and help you to process world views and spiritual beliefs, you choose which beliefs you want to reintegrate into your core and open into you being.

For a lot of the divine feminine collective, they are the holy mother, the strong woman and warrior, they are the divine mother, goddess, queen, witch and high priestess. They are the true essence of femininity and containers of love for the world. They are the proof that there is good in this world. Proof that they are creators, they can manifest their prayers and turn them into reality. Their thoughts are powerful, and they have the ability to strengthen their beliefs in humanity which brings about healing for the world. They are here to bring that Earth mother and feminine energy back to a world that has made them out to be flesh fantasy. They are here to take their power back and how to be in the pure form that humanity has rejected for far too long.

Within the divine masculine collective, they are the holy father, the brave and courageous warrior, God, magician, king, emperor, provider and protector. They are the divine entity here to shift the patriarchy and bring chivalry and true masculinity back to this world. They are the true containers for those around them. To be the emperors in royal attire, they shift their outer layer of thinking from distorted masculinity and demonizing women to the authenticity of their soul that women are to be loved and protected. They will shift the paradigm to show that it is safe to be around men and how to balance all aspects of life. They are here to manifest a new and healed reality within society and strengthen the beliefs in the masculine and feminine dynamic.

(Masculine and feminine are fluid and exist in all people. This channel is specifically related to gender roles and how this will shift in society and how it has played out over time)

How do we get to this new world of beautiful energy? It is Forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Truth is painful, it shows where you are still wounded and what you are in denial of. It shows what society is afraid of and what it is avoiding or sweeping under the rug. This world is in denial of what is truly happening, or shall I say a few are aware but try to keep the current dynamic flowing in their favor. Society as a whole is in denial of how much the patriarchy has shifted the true essence of human nature and dominates and domineers the women or feminine essence in the world. The patriarchy has shifted the world and colonized the brains of everyone and everything. The current society is reminiscent of a parasite feeding on the collective brain of humanity and reshaping everything it is supposed to be. Society is the illness that removes individuality and transfers the nature of what natural law is supposed to look and feel like. It creates a victim mentality that also has a mob mentality. Those who are awakened and are awakening are the warriors of this spiritual and galactic movement. They are the ones stepping out of that Roman mob and are using their voices to say live when the whole arena is shouting to kill the slave or gladiator. The warrior is not the gladiator, the gladiator is in survival mode and is still a victim of the oppressor. The warrior stands apart from the masses or even within the masses waiting for the right time to make their move.

The victim represses and the warrior refrains. To refrain is to understand and to express in the right moment. The victim doesn’t express what is going on within. It is swept under the rug and a part of them dies a little more each time this is done. The victim is controlled, the warrior is authentic. The victim cowers, while the warrior stands tall. The warrior may have at one point been the victim but has since elevated into a different mindset. They have removed themselves from that narrative and are now authentic and true to their beliefs and morals. The victim is in ego and controlled by the external forces within society. This is the unconscious or sleep walking that keeps them locked into their false reality. The warrior is awake and ready to transcend to their highest timeline. They fight to work through their trauma and distortions to enter in to a new and beautiful world that has an authentic reality. The divine masculine and the divine feminine in this warrior state work together to balance the energy and bring forth new earth. It is through their love that society as a whole transcends the awareness that is keeping the masses stuck in fear and self-betrayal. These beings are truly the mother and father of this new world. They are the kings and queens of this new empire, and they are everywhere and everything and everyone. The shed light on those who are in the darkness and pave the less traveled road for those to follow them into greatness.

Those who walk the road less travelled are the Mary’s and Yeshua’s, The Isis’ and Osiris’, The Zeus’ and Hera’s, the gods and goddesses of this world. They are the duality of the stars, the sun and moon. They are the divine. These awakened ones bring society to Zion, to Lemuria, to Atlantis, to Pleiades to Sirius, to the core of our souls. They are the trees of life. Planting their roots deep into Gaia to bring strong and beautiful fruit to nourish this new reality. If you are reading this, you are them and they are you. You are the merciful, compassionate, the Starseeds, light and shadow workers. You are the healers bringing gratitude, compassion and love to this existence. You are diving into yourself and becoming the warrior and waking up from your unconscious sleepwalking state to become an integral part of the system to bring new codes to this world. You are bringing your soul’s home here to uplift humanity. You are here to fight the war against spirituality, and you are here to break the bonds of the past. You are here to awaken the masses. You are HERE!

The more you acknowledge the importance of your journey, the more you understand you are a chosen one. You are here to shift your own paradigm, to shift the paradigm that humanity understands. This brings a change to the word humanity an da deeper understanding of the mother, the father, the king and the queen, the mystic and the crone.

What does this new world look like that so many mystics, psychics, healers and teachers are referencing? It is bliss, harmonic, loving energy without pain and suffering that is self-imposed. That 5D vibration and even higher. It is a world without fear, retribution, control or ego. It is a world of God/spirit/source/divinity. It is a world of compassion, love, gratitude, and community. It is peaceful, interconnected, intelligent where every man, woman and child of any ethnicity has the ability to do what feels right to their soul. There is no hierarchy, there is not segregation, or power struggle, it is a place of oneness. It is heaven on Earth. It is a space for creative freedom, arts, music, poetry and energy shift through each other like light codes from the sun, lighting up the beauty and wonder in all. It is a rebirth of the world within the Age of Aquarius, an elevation in the consciousness of humanity a transcendence from the depth of hell to the highest peaks of heaven. Heaven and hell are not real places in existential realms. They are the ideas of bliss and suffering. Hell is the current reality of suffering, pain, restriction and loathing mixed with self-betrayal and mob mentality. This is our current paradigm. If someone is sentencing you to hell, then you are already here. There is no way spirit would sentence you to that. Spirit asked for volunteers to transform Gaia from this suffering life that has reigned supreme for thousands of years and all of you galactic warriors raised your energetic hand so to speak. You chose to be here because you are the chosen ones. You are the strong ones here to shift the planet to a space of true spiritual existence. To a place of love, to allow God/spirit/the divine to walk amongst humanity, within every single person. Only the awakened will truly be able to feel the presence of spirit, but those awakened ones light the way for others to awaken and heal.

That is why your journey is so important. You journey is to become an enlightened one. Your journey is to heal your trauma from this life and many others your souls has lived. The trick is to stay present and do the work. So many who are awakening are exhausted. You have been living a lie. You have been living a false reality and the root of it, your soul is tired. You are on a mission, and you are tapped into the collective. You feel what they feel. You walk through it before others do, so that you can light the way for them. Your path is a sacred one.

There are many steps that you have to pass through within your awakening. They may not happen in this exact sequence, but most will exist for you, nonetheless. You enter your dark night of the soul. This is a painful period of reevaluating your life. With this dark night you move into feeling overwhelmed and overloaded. You question everything. your relationships, you let go of friends, may quit your job or change careers, you remove yourself from the outside world and replenish your soul on your own.

This is your spiritual crisis if you will, and you reestablish your connection with spirit. You redefine your spirituality and begin to turn within. You meditate and do the work. When you turn within and do the work you again feel overwhelmed. Your life is changing in so many ways and at quantum speeds. It is hard to feel like you are on the right path. It is almost as if your life is exploding one moment after another. You are questioning all of your beliefs and you are unsure of what fits and works for you. You feel lost and as if you will never achieve you wish. You will want to give up. There are so many emotions flowing through you, and you may avoid feeling all of them. You are feeling so much and doing so much work, but you are still in a phase that you aren’t facing all of what you have to do and what you have inside of you. This is where you find your groove and feel as though you are doing the work and have found what works for you.

Once you feel as though you find what works for you, you complete the first phase of the awakening. You feel as though you’ve done it and are almost in the light. That is when you enter the next stage, which is the phase of denial or spiritual ego if you will. You think that you are above others who are not doing the work. This spiritual ego is one of the toughest to get through. But once you begin to see yourself in others and know that you are all one and interconnected, you begin to release this version of yourself. It is here that you may question who your divine counterpart is, or even want to move out of the twin flame journey all together. It is only by turning within and listening to your heart and intuition that you can move out of this. Transcending this phase is truly done by learning to surrender and to feel everything. To feel is to heal. To heal is to release. By releasing this outdated version of self, you realize that you are connected to all aspects of human, animal, and physical life as well as to Gaia herself. This then motivates you to connect to nature. By connecting to nature, you ground and learn how to truly protect your energy.

When you ground and protect your energy, you move into a deeper phase of your shadow work. You learn your abundant self and begin to understand your worth, set boundaries and connect to your inner child fully. This is where you awaken your spiritual gifts and begin to clarify your life purpose. You are still in a fog; the fog is just not as dense as it once was. You see the lessons before you and they are still difficult, but no where near as difficult or unattainable as they once were. You are less focused in this state at the outside world and the triggers that once threw you so far out of alignment you thought you would never get there. Yes, you are still triggered in this phase, it just takes you less time to recover from the triggers and you integrate the lessons faster and are actually grateful for the lessons. This gets you to be REALLY clear about your life purpose which brings you into mastery of all of your lessons. It is a domino effect, and you begin to exist in a state of gratitude, compassion and love.

This may seem like a lot, but all of these steps bring you into an awakened state. But is your goal achieved once you complete all of this? Not quite. You start out as a distorted masculine or feminine, from there you move into a healing feminine or masculine. Next, you elevate into the balanced masculine and feminine. This helps you transcend into the divine feminine or masculine which brings you into the divine masculine and divine feminine. At this point you realize they are not separate but both truly within you. This realization transforms you into the sacred masculine and feminine. Once these occur, you have now elevated and come into inner union, which then brings you into outer union with your divine counterpart.

You are the Mother Mary, giving birth in that immaculate conception to yourself. You are the Holy Father guiding your way in a true connection within and to source. You are lighting the way for others as You are Yeshua, and you are pure love and magic as the Magdalene. You are the wise crone and the magician manifesting all of your desires. You are the God and Goddess. You are the sun and the moon, enlightening and lighting the way for others in their own awakening. You are the sun bringing everything to light and the moon, guiding those lost in the darkness. You are all that is. You are in me and I in you. You are in all things and have all things in you. You are in transcendence. You have transcended. It is in this phase that you get to reap all that you have sewn and integrated. It is here that you get to walk the path with your divine counterpart. You met your divine counterpart to awaken that realization within yourself, to do the work and to come back together in a healed and loving sense. TO truly be divine for yourselves, each other, your children and everyone else you meet or encounter. Keep working through your awakening. The more you do, the more you bring this beautiful new earth home. It is happening and it has already happened. Be proud of yourself for how far you have come and understand there is more to do. You are the chosen one.

-Lady Phoenix