Serenity Cavern Healing

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Reprogramming Your Thoughts and Life Patterns

How do you reprogram what you have experienced over the course of your entire life? By changing up the way you look at things and how to navigate through your current paradigm to shift the narrative to fit the upgraded version of you. With all of the planetary placements and the collective shift that society is moving through, the Divine Feminine is upgrading and the Divine Masculine is in the void. What does this mean? You are experiencing an internal struggle that is the womb and heart against the brain and gut. You are feeling lost, overworked, undervalued, underpaid, and underappreciated, while at the same time feeling full of love, proud of your growth, accomplishments and standing in your personal power. Your brain won’t stop, and your heart feels full and broken at the same time. No matter what you’re going through it seems as though this is a never-ending spree of confusion and lack. You are on your way, there is just some extra grease that needs to be worked through to make sure everything is running smoothly.


Reprogramming your mind is not an easy task, but let’s face it, what in healing is actually easy? It is so much easier to fall apart then it is to put yourself back together. Society as a whole has been in a state of control rather than flow and this shift, we are all experiencing is placing the state of consciousness back into flow rather than dominance. You are purging your old ways and moving into an elevated state of being. You are letting go of that lack mentality and moving into an abundant space. You are setting your boundaries and acknowledging your worth. You are building stronger foundations and allowing your needs to be met. You are feeling more connected to what you want and less connected to what others tell you that you should have. You are flowing with your timing more (still fighting it a little) because let’s face it, this journey is definitely not linear. You are feeling more in tune with your body and allowing yourself to surrender to the moment and to what is. You are embodying love and embracing all of your existence. This is not happening all of the time. It feels as though it comes and goes in spurts. Like you’re sprinting one minute and then sleeping the next. You are in need of balance and self confidence as you move through this reprogram. You are in chaos and then absolute peace. You are so self-assured, then cowering in fear. You are the sun shining bright, then the moon cast in total darkness. It is ok to be where you are and the first step in the reprogram is to accept where you are and to be ok with where you are.


Once you acknowledge your current place in life you have the ability to shift everything. Once you acknowledge the suffering you’ve been through, you move out of that suffering and into joy. If you think about your suffering, it keeps you in a constant state of that suffering and an inability to move forward. Acknowledge what you have experienced, acknowledge what your life has been. But do not play into the story, play into the facts. It is a rabbit hole to think about what could have been or what could be. That is your egoic mind trying to stay relevant. The more you focus on the straight facts, the more you are able to let go of what trauma binds you have and move into a higher plane of existence. Look at your relationship with yourself, your friends, family, romantic partners, and money. How are you stuck in lack? What patterns are you repeating? What trauma from childhood is still rearing its ugly head? How are you reactive or reactionary with situations? Do you internalize, avoid externalize or eat your emotions? How do you deal with the situations and circumstances in your life that are uncomfortable for you? Do you fight, fly or freeze? The more you can tap in and ask yourself these questions, the more you can get to the bottom of your current narrative and shift it into something beautiful for you.  Then ask yourself what your family dynamic was like. Ask yourself who created your priorities, was it you, society, or someone you care about? What is it that keeps you stuck in this cycle within your narrative? Was there trauma, self-victimization, betrayal, narcissistic parenting, past life cycles or a lack of love from your parents when you were younger? What does our inner child need that they are not getting and how can you give that to them? These are all difficult questions but can lead you to a simple answer. Through all of this, let me tell you, it is going to feel like it is getting a lot worse before it gets better. You are going to feel plunged into the depths of your soul and feel lost in the dark. Just remember that you are the light. You are the one who will save your soul and you are the one who will love you first. You will be there for you, and you will be your own knight in shining armor.


It is not just about doing all of the spiritual work to get through this reprogram. You have to change your daily routine and create one that works for you. What is going to bring you into a space of gratitude and positivity? What can you do that makes your soul happy for just five minutes in the morning? What can you do to make your inner child happy? Make sure your routine is balanced with your needs, responsibilities, desires, and healing. You also need down time as well. You are a human being not a human doing. Sometimes you have to just be to allow the process to integrate. Society tells us to go go go all day everyday or you are lazy. It is ok to just be and relax and let your body and mind rest! If you cannot afford to travel, then let your mind wander. Let your mind travel to all of the places you want to go and let your mind be free. Without judgement, allow your creative juices to flow and allow yourself to just exist in whatever realm it needs to. This is actually part of the manifestation process. Picture yourself in all of the places you want to go and then shift your narrative and let spirit come in and reward you for the work you are doing. Allow yourself to read. Read fiction and spiritual or self-help books. Let your mind be entertained, enlightened, educated, and elevated. The more you read, the more you learn or can envision a world that is so different from ours through the eyes of the author. Fiction can aid just as much as nonfiction and self-help books ca. They take you out of conscious thought and the egoic mind and put you into the present moment to just be as you are. It is a beautiful and magical part of life.


Once you step into the magic, the reality you need to look at will hit you, you will be inspired to create the life you want to. What are some stimulants that are holding you back currently though? Possibly caffeine and alcohol. Now I am a firm believer in enjoying yourself and allowing a drink here and there, but caffeine and alcohol block your ability to think creatively and connect to what spirit wants you to see and know.  These block your emotions and your ability to connect within on a deeper level. When you connect within, you also connect above and below which brings you into alignment with the holy trinity that you are, and that life is. You need to make sure you are sleeping enough and that your spiritual practice is fulfilling and that you are diligent with it. Again, it is about balance with all things. Do not overdo it or you will burn out. Too much of anything is not good. It is about sporadic placement and fulfilling enterprises. What are you eating, drinking, and practicing in all areas of life? You are absorbing (drinking in) your surroundings, embracing soul nourishment (eating and embracing life itself) who and what you surround yourself with will bring you either great joy or great pain. It is not just the food and drink, but all aspects of life that can elevate or drain you.


Other ways you can reprogram your mind are while you sleep. The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and has the ability to work for you while you are asleep or awake. Listening to sleep hypnosis, guided meditations and binaural beats are great tools to have. Reinforcement is another. It takes repetition to make something permanent. You have been in your current narrative for a very long time, it will take repetitive reinforcement to make it a new way of thinking and life. The visualizations are a great partner to almost any tool. The more you add a visualization of yourself acting, receiving, thinking, or behaving in the way you want to it starts to shift your brain. This all works together. It is not just about one tool, but about many working together to create one cohesive, healed, and whole version of you. You also have to get comfortable with the unknown. The more you surrender to the now, the less you will be affected by the fears, doubts, and anxieties of tomorrow. Your egoic mind conquers and rules you based on trauma and things that have not happened yet. The more you surrender and continue to work on yourself the faster you get to where you want to be. It is through accepting the current moment and the suffering you have experienced that allow you to let go of the control and flow into the depths of the universe where you connect to your truly infinite soul and spirit. It is when you get lost that you are truly found.


Your narrative is shifting and the more you allow it to move, the more you find your soul. You can reprogram anything if you know how and do the work for it. Allow that to happen for you and watch your life magically transform.

-Lady Phoenix